Tracy Hoijer-Favre is a Clinical Psychologist, with a Master Degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology, from Paris 7, France. Tracy Hoijer-Favre has an orientation and training in Psychoanalysis in line with the Lacanian Schools: Section Clinique and Atelier de Psychanalyse of Brussels and workshops and Congresses with the New Laconian School (NLS), the Association of the Freudian Cause (ACF) and the EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis.
Tracy Favre-Bulle is also a Member of the NIP, the Association of Psychologists in the Netherlands. Her work experience has been in France and Belgium in Hospitals and Institutions; in New York at Goodwill Industries; and for the last 10 years her private Practice in Amsterdam.
Contact Information Tracy Hoijer-Favre 1077 HP AMSTERDAM 0651083457 [email protected]